Restrictions have now been lifted by the NSW Government - however please monitor any changes on the NSW Government COVID-19 website.
The club will also communicate any new or additional information that is provided as soon as practicable.
This also is a good time to remind you to:
- Continue to encourage hand hygiene for participants and officials
Your contact person in the club for any COVID-19 related questions or reporting is:
Carolyn Campbell
0410 522 268
In training or playing with the Norwest Strikers H.C, you acknowledge that, even with rigorous capacity and control measures in place at Hockey venues, there remains an unquantifiable risk of transmission of viral illness including COVID-19. By training or playing at venues you have considered that risk and your own personal circumstances, including any health condition or vulnerability that you may have or that of persons whom you will be in close contact with following training or a match. You acknowledge that, for a small number of people, COVID-19 has very serious health consequences. By attending training or a game you (and any persons who attend with you) acknowledge and accept these obvious risks.